la matematica non è il tuo forte, attento a chi chiedi aiuto...

Sort out
the fllowing school subjects under the correct areas of study:
maths, physics, history, foreign languages, chemistry, religion,
geometry, philosophy, earth science, computer science/information technology, Latin,
biology, ancient Greek.
- Scientific areas of study:
- Humanities areas of study:
- Which school subjects do you prefer?
- How do you feel the night before a difficult test?
- Have you ever asked your friends for a little help?
Blodgett looked at his wrist watch and saw that it was two o’clock
in the morning. In despair, he slammed shut the textbook he’d been
studying and let his head sink onto his arms on the table in front of
him. He knew he’d never pass that examination tomorrow; the more he
studied geometry the less he understood it. Mathematics in general
had always been difficult for him and now he was finding that
geometry was impossible for him to learn. And if he flunked it, he
was through with college; he’d flunked three other courses in his
first two years and another failure this year would, under college
rules, cause automatic expulsion.
Blodgett guardò il suo orologio da polso e vide che erano le due
dopo mezzanotte. Preso dalla disperazione, chiuse sbattendo il libro
di testo su cui stava studiando e affondò la testa tra le braccia
incrociate sul tavolo davanti a lui. Sapeva che non avrebbe mai
superato l’esame di domani: più studiava geometria e meno la
capiva. In generale, la matematica era sempre stata difficile per lui
e ora scopriva che gli era impossibile imparare la geometria. E se
non avesse superato l’esame di geometria, avrebbe chiuso per sempre
con il college: aveva già cannato altri tre corsi nei primi due anni
e un’altra bocciatura quest’anno, secondo le regole del college,
avrebbe portato ad un’espulsione automatica.
- What subject is particularly difficult for Henry Blodgett?
- Is he attending secondary school or a higher education institution?
- Why is he so desperate?
wanted that college degree badly too, since it was indispensable for
the career he’d chosen and worked toward. Only a miracle could save
him now. He sat up suddenly as an idea struck him. Why not try magic?
The occult had always interested him. He had books on it and he’d
often read the simple instructions on how to conjure up a demon and
make it obey his will. Up to now, he’d always figured that it was a
bit risky and so had never actually tried it. But this was an
emergency and might be worth the slight risk. Only through black
magic could he suddenly become an expert in a subject that had always
been difficult for him.
voleva disperatamente conseguire quel titolo di studio, dal momento
che era indispensabile per la carriera che aveva scelto e per cui si
era impegnato. Solo un miracolo poteva salvarlo adesso. Si tirò su a
sedere quando gli balenò in testa un’idea. Perché non tentare con
la magia? L’occulto lo aveva sempre interessato. Aveva molti libri
al riguardo e aveva letto spesso le semplici istruzioni su come
evocare un demone e renderlo obbediente al suo volere. Fino a quel
momento aveva sempre ritenuto la faccenda alquanto rischiosa e così
non ci aveva mai provato. Ma questa era un’emergenza e valeva la
pena correre qualche rischio. Soltanto con la magia nera avrebbe
potuto diventare immediatamente esperto in una materia che era sempre
stata difficile per lui.
- Why is maths so important for him?
- How does he hope to solve his problem?
- Why deosnt’t he turn to ‘traditional’ tricks?
the shelf he quickly took out his best book on black magic, found the
right page, and refreshed his memory on the few simple things he had
to do. Enthusiastically, he cleared the floor by pushing the
furniture against the walls. He drew the pentagram figure on the
carpet with chalk and stepped inside. He then said the incantations.
demon was considerably more horrible than he had anticipated. But he
mustered his courage and started to explain his dilemma. “I’ve
always been poor at geometry,” he began . . . “You’re telling
me,” said the demon gleefully. Smiling flames, it came for him
across the chalk lines of the useless hexagram1 Henry had
drawn by mistake instead of the protecting pentagram2.

In tutta fretta, prese dallo scaffale il suo miglior libro di magia nera, trovò la pagina giusta e si rinfrescò la memoria sulle poche semplici cose da farsi. Pieno di entusiasmo, liberò il pavimento spingendo i mobili contro le pareti. Con un gessetto, disegnò per terra la figura del pentacolo e vi entrò dentro. Poi, pronunciò l’incantesimo.
demone era considerevolmente più orribile di quanto si aspettasse.
Ma si fece coraggio e iniziò a spiegare il suo dilemma. “Sono
sempre stato scarso in geometria,” iniziò… “Me ne ero
accorto,” disse il demone allegramente. Sghignazzando fiamme, andò
a prenderlo superando le linee di gesso dell’inutile esagramma che
Herry aveva disegnato per errore invece del protettivo pentacolo.
- Why does he need to draw a pentacle?
- Is the incantantion successful?
- What is he betried by?
😈What is the moral behind the story? Chose the correct one:
- You mustn’t cheat at class tests
- You shouldn’t turn to black magic unless you are good at geometry
- There are no shortcuts to success
further exploitation:
the American and British educational systems and explain what
‘college’ corresponds to in the two countries.
😈Useful words: Whereas, instead, on the other hand, while
😈Useful words: Whereas, instead, on the other hand, while
A hexagram (Greek) or sexagram (Latin) is a six-pointed
geometric star figure. It has been historically used in religious and
cultural contexts and as decorative motifs
A pentacle – usually
a five-pointed star inscribed in a circle - is a talisman
that is used in magical evocation, and is usually made of parchment,
paper, cloth, or metal (although it can be of other materials), upon
which a magical design is drawn.